3 responses from Mr Roger Cartwright (Individual)
1. Mr Roger Cartwright (Individual) : 10 Jul 2017 14:14:00
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Silverdale - part of S50
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I was disappointed to receive this additional consultation that appears to go back on or undermine some of the emerging policies in the Development Plan. Such as:
Q6 – Agreed that affordable housing should be a priority for any new development. We think the proportion should be more like 60%. The AONB is special and therefore it merits special guidelines for development.
Q7 – Yes, new housing should be for local people to meet identified needs and should be for use as main residence. Much of it should be for rent. Where affordable property is owned, we believe that, on re-sale, for a stated period local people should have the first option to buy.
Q8 – Only applications which propose housing that meets real ecological sustainability targets (eg. high energy efficiency) and caters for identified needs (eg for small/affordable/disability-friendly housing), should be considered for consent. We cannot offer advice on how this approach could be promoted.
My brief, mainly landscape comments on the further additional sites are attached.
2. Mr Roger Cartwright (Individual) : 10 Jul 2017 14:14:00
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Storth - Quarry Lane
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I was disappointed to receive this additional consultation that appears to go back on or undermine some of the emerging policies in the Development Plan. Such as:
Q6 – Agreed that affordable housing should be a priority for any new development. We think the proportion should be more like 60%. The AONB is special and therefore it merits special guidelines for development.
Q7 – Yes, new housing should be for local people to meet identified needs and should be for use as main residence. Much of it should be for rent. Where affordable property is owned, we believe that, on re-sale, for a stated period local people should have the first option to buy.
Q8 – Only applications which propose housing that meets real ecological sustainability targets (eg. high energy efficiency) and caters for identified needs (eg for small/affordable/disability-friendly housing), should be considered for consent. We cannot offer advice on how this approach could be promoted.
My brief, mainly landscape comments on the further additional sites are attached.
3. Mr Roger Cartwright (Individual) : 10 Jul 2017 14:15:00
A typed or handwritten document was submitted. This has been scanned and can be downloaded below:
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Arnside - Hollins Lane A8/A9
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I was disappointed to receive this additional consultation that appears to go back on or undermine some of the emerging policies in the Development Plan. Such as:
Q6 – Agreed that affordable housing should be a priority for any new development. We think the proportion should be more like 60%. The AONB is special and therefore it merits special guidelines for development.
Q7 – Yes, new housing should be for local people to meet identified needs and should be for use as main residence. Much of it should be for rent. Where affordable property is owned, we believe that, on re-sale, for a stated period local people should have the first option to buy.
Q8 – Only applications which propose housing that meets real ecological sustainability targets (eg. high energy efficiency) and caters for identified needs (eg for small/affordable/disability-friendly housing), should be considered for consent. We cannot offer advice on how this approach could be promoted.
My brief, mainly landscape comments on the further additional sites are attached.