3 responses from Mr and Mrs Ken and Ann Kitchen (Individual)
1. Mr and Mrs Ken and Ann Kitchen (Individual) : 14 Jan 2016 15:37:00
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Please make your comments below on the section you have selected. Where appropriate, make reference to the paragraph number you are referring to, your preferred option, the question number asked in the Discussion Paper and the reference number of the site you are commenting on.
2. Mr and Mrs Ken and Ann Kitchen (Individual) : 22 Jan 2016 14:54:00
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3. Mr and Mrs Ken and Ann Kitchen (Individual) : 22 Jan 2016 14:57:00
This is an addendum to our earlier response.
With regard to sites A13 and A17.
These sites surround the Arnside Cemetery. It has long been hoped that when the cemetery is full it could extend slightly into either the northern half of A17 or into part of A13. Both sites are woodland at the moment, part of the Hagg Wood Forestry Commission plantation, leased from Dallam, which is a mixture of ancient woodland and old conifer plantation. The conifers were cleared around 15 years ago. Ideally it most of it would be left as prime wildlife habitat but it would be good if its final designation could make sure that a small part of it could be joined to the present cemetery at some time in the future.
The woodland in A17 to the south of the cemetery is very rocky and could not be used for burials. It also adjoins the open fields and should not be built on. That to the north, between the cemetery and the houses has a much deeper soil level and is suitable for burials as is A13.
Best wishes
Ann and Ken Kitchen