Response from Ms Helen Renyard, Cumbria County Council, LFRM
1. Ms Helen Renyard, Cumbria County Council, LFRM : 8 May 2013 10:12:00
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Proposed Main Modifications
Ref: MM010. Page: 23. Policy/para/table: POLICY LA1.3
I would like to confirm Cumbria County Council’s (CCC) support as Lead Local Flood Authority for the removal of Kendal, Acre Moss Garages (0.35 acres) from the housing allocations due to flood risk of the site.
CCC’s Local Flood Risk Management Team (LFRM) supported by the Making Space for Water Group (made up of representatives from Environment Agency, United Utilities, South Lakeland District Council and CCC’s Highways and LFRM teams) are currently working to reduce the flood risk to properties in Low Garth, Kendal. I have enclosed a copy of the report for your information but please note that this is at draft stage.