Response from A R Yarwood, The National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups
1. A R Yarwood, The National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups : 5 Dec 2018 09:24:00
Please make your comments in the box below. When referring to the schedule, please include the appropriate reference number e.g. MM1.
Main changes to Management Policies DPD
I write to offer comment on the above. We stand by our previous comments, which were that, whilst we welcome the introduction of the new policy DM26 to deal with proposed Traveller sites we question the limitation that this should only apply to persons meeting the strict definition as set out in PPTS. To do so will mean that the needs of elderly Travellers who are no longer in a position to gain employment, will not be met.
We also question the need to include “other community facilities in criterion 3. This introduces unnecessary vagueness. No other community facilities are needed.
The phrase “large vehicles” in criterion 6 is also too vague. Most Travellers only use relatively small pick-up trucks which cannot be described as large vehicles.
Without these changes we do not consider the plan to be sound as it will not be effective in meeting the needs of the Travelling community.
Yours sincerely,
A. R. Yarwood