Response from Ms. June Howarth (Individual)
1. Ms. June Howarth (Individual) : 1 Feb 2018 11:37:00
Have we drafted the right VISION for the site? Is it site-specific enough? How could it be improved? (see Section 2 of the Draft Brief)
The site is very prominent; it can be viewed in the approach to the village from Milnthorpe, from the top of Farleton Knott, Twinter Bank and Mayfield Avenue and needs to retain as much as possible of the hedging and tree cover to make it fit into the rural aspect of the village. Without detailed plans of the house style it would be difficult to say whether that is currently planned. There seems to be no detail of the type of features that will deliver energy efficiency-are solar panels to be incorporated when the houses are being built?
Housing needs in the village would be for low cost family homes to encourage young families rather than bungalows; of which there are many in Holme
The improvement of pedestrian links into the village from Milnthorpe Road would be welcomed, there is currently no pavement from the Crescent northwards making it dangerous to walk along . A separate pedestrian route across to Mayfield Avenue and a footpath from the development along Milnthorpe Road would be beneficial, as would improvement to the condition of the existing Limestone Link footpath.
There seems no details regarding the benefits for wildlife; what is to be included and who is to ensure that the features are included, for example swift bricks as the houses are being built, provision for movement of hedgehogs, bat boxes, nesting boxes. This site was the hunting ground for a barn owl in 2016 and hosts several farmland bird species which are in decline, exactly how is the biodiversity spoken of in the vision to be achieved?
I do not think that the current proposals are site specific enough. They do not take into account the major and increasing problems all the houses around this site have with waterlogged and drainage problems. This affects all the houses; the bungalows on Mayfield Avenue, the homes on Milnthorpe Road and the newer houses on Mayfield Avenue and this problem has become worse during the last three years resulting in standing water in some gardens for very long periods. Whether this is a direct consequence of previous developments or a result of the very wet weather we have been experiencing it should make everyone pause to consider the way this development is carried out and whether the houses in the eastern part of the site are at all viable.
The 'play area' would need to be greatly improved drainage and maintenance before it is usable and perhaps a community use for that are could be considered different community orchard or wildflower meadow.
Have we drafted the right DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK for the site? What are your views on the PROPOSALS AND REQUIREMENTS identified? How could they be improved? Are there any we have missed or others we should exclude? (see Section 4 of the Draft Brief)
The two main issues of the site are drainage and traffic.
The drainage must be dealt with without adding to the current problems of waterlogged ground.
The access from Milnthorpe Road is at the bottom of a small hill, the road is narrow and there are no footpaths, sightlines are limited and for this to be safe serious traffic calming measures need to be instigated from the beginning. A bus stop/bay at this entrance to the site could be put into the plans.
The through road will inevitably become busy as people from North Road would cut through to Milnthorpe Road and visa versa, this needs to incorporate traffic calming measures and a separate cycle and pedestrian way. The increase in traffic travelling trough Pear Tree Park will illustrate the difficulties there are with parking on pavements and the subsequent narrowing of the road. Extra visitors parking for the new houses needs to be included to prevent this problem being repeated there.
Overall I am against a through vehicle road from Mayfield Avenue to Milnthorpe Road , it should be a pedestrian/cycle way only.
Have you any other comments about the Draft Development Brief and the Draft Supporting Contextual Information Document?
I feel that many in Holme are concerned regarding the flooding and waterlogging and would like more detailed and comprehensive studies into how to prevent this development adding to the problems and measures to improve the situation being clearly included on the plans, perhaps even put into place before the houses are built. It should not be left to developers whose first concern is building and selling houses.
How are the open spaces going to be managed long term, are any other agencies being asked for advice or if they would like to be involved.
How are the effects of 140 + extra cars in the village going to be planned for and negative effects on road safety prevented.
June Howarth