Response from Mrs Juliet Harman (Individual)
1. Mrs Juliet Harman (Individual) : 12 Dec 2017 11:48:00
Before completing this online representation please tick the box to show that you have read the guidance notes accompanying this consultation.
I have read the guidance notes
Appendices, maps or other
General comment / comment on procedure
1.1 Do you consider the AONB DPD to be legally compliant?
1.3 Do you consider the AONB DPD to be sound?
1.5 Please give details of why you consider the DPD is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the Duty to Cooperate. Please be as precise as possible.
If you wish to support the legal compliance or soundness of the DPD or its compliance with the Duty to Cooperate, please also use this box to set out your comments.
I support the soundness of the DPD as, guided by the National Planning Policy Framework relating to AONBs, it gives great weight to conserving the beauty of the landscape and protecting the natural environment and is consistent with the statutory purpose of the AONB.
I support the reasons for preparing the AONB DPD set out in paragraph 1.2.5 and the objectives set out in paragraph 2.2.1.
I support among others, policy AS12 relating to water quality, sewerage and sustainable drainage, which is especially relevant in areas, such as Silverdale, not connected to mains drainage.
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