Response from Mr Simon Clifford (Individual)
1. Mr Simon Clifford (Individual) : 17 Jul 2017 16:29:00
Please use the drop down menu to indicate which of the following sites you are commenting on. Please use a separate form for each site.
Silverdale - part of S50
Please use the box below to make your comments.
I would like to make the following objections to the site Silverdale S50
Access/road visibility. The junction is often blocked at busy times with another 50 cars using the junction from (?25 new homes) this would add to the congestion/safety.
Sewage in the village has always been a major problem and any further additions
to the system will cause even more problems
The obvious traffic problems in Silverdale are well documented and any further
increase in this particular area surrounding the site S50 would only increase the
existing problem even further.
This should not be built on until all Brown Field and Council land has been
exhausted.If built on would set precedence for more development thus diminishing
the AONB even further.
Is there actually a need for low cost housing in this village? Recent builds near the station have become holiday lets because they couldn't be sold.