Response from Mr Tony Young (Individual)
1. Mr Tony Young (Individual) : 17 Jul 2017 11:38:00
Please use the drop down menu to indicate which of the following sites you are commenting on. Please use a separate form for each site.
Arnside - Hollins Lane A8/A9
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Concerning the above Site - Hollins lane Arnside. Having lived in this Village for many years along i think that there is a need for more Housing to cater for a range of needs .A development with mixed housing allowing some properties suitable for local people to downsize and remain here when they reach that point in their lives and also young families to purchase affordable housing and to be able to stay in Arnside where they have been brought up has got to be a good thing .On these matters i agree with Mr Michael Kemp that a balance has to be struck .
The matter of the road and access to the site is not without it's issues - could Hollins lane be Terminated where it meets swinnate road- preventing unwanted traffic and creating a cul-de-sac at the top of Hollins with a foot path.