Response from Mr Nicholas Pearce (Individual)
1. Mr Nicholas Pearce (Individual) : 16 Jul 2017 21:45:00
Please use the drop down menu to indicate which of the following sites you are commenting on. Please use a separate form for each site.
Arnside - Hollins Lane A8/A9
Please use the box below to make your comments.
I consider that the proposed development on Hollins Lane, Arnside should not be approved on the following
Traffic – Hollins Lane is not suited to carry additional traffic that would, inevitably, be associated with the
proposed development. It already carries significant traffic, much of it using Hollins Lane as a shortcut
between Silverdale Road and Briery Bank, and vehicles frequently travel excessively fast creating hazards for
School children walk up and down Hollins Lane daily to catch school buses at the Briery Bank stop or walk to
Arnside Junior School. Additional vehicles will unacceptably increase hazards for these children.
The junction between Hollins Lane and Briery Bank has appalling sight lines for vehicles entering Briery Bank.
Additional vehicle movements will increase the risk of collisions at this junction.
Water Run Off – In storm conditions Hollins Lane is subject to excessive storm water running down the
highway and on to Briery Bank. Houses, including ours, with entrances to the East side of Hollins lane have
driveways sloping down from the road towards our properties and in storm conditions the run-off down
Hollins Lane nearly overtops the kerb and flows across our property. Increased water run-off from the new
development would put our property at risk of flooding.
Amenity Area – Inclusion of the amenity area in the proposed development is of marginal value and its long
term future is imperilled if inevitable subsequent applications are made proposing it is reduced in size by
further development. If this development is approved, it should be on condition that title to the amenity area
passes to Arnside Parish Council or SLDC to ensure that it is protected from subsequent development requests.