Response from Mr Wesley Blondel (Individual)
1. Mr Wesley Blondel (Individual) : 16 Jul 2017 19:58:00
Please use the drop down menu to indicate which of the following sites you are commenting on. Please use a separate form for each site.
Silverdale - part of S50
Please use the box below to make your comments.
I write to express my objection to the proposed planning proposal at the above site for the following reasons:
1) Traffic levels at the junction of St John's Ave and Emesgate lane could hugely increase posing a risk to children at the local school. The village centre is already becoming hugely and dangerously congested.
2) Access/road visibility. The junction is often blocked at busy times with another 50 cars using the junction from (?25 new homes) this would add to the congestion/safety.
3) Sewerage is a big issue in Silverdale as we have no mains sewerage and rely on septic tanks -how will this be dealt with and where will surface water run off to?
4) In the AONB qualities report November 2016: it states that 'much of the village is fringed by small-medium sized pastures which are enclosed by a characteristic pattern of limestone walls...These open areas are a very important part of Silverdale's character.
The AONB also state in the same document that new development should respect and be in keeping with historic settlement character.
AONB go on to say that open green spaces are an important aspect of this character - a public footpath going through this land demonstrates an important feature of this resource for public recreation.
If development starts in the field - it poses the risk of further extension down to Bottoms lane and The Green.
5) There is a distinct lack of employment locally, so where would these new people work?
6) Silverdale has very poor local/public transport
7) Is there a need for low cost housing in this village? Recent builds near the station have become holiday lets because they couldn't be sold.