Response from Mrs Jennifer Catterall (Individual)
1. Mrs Jennifer Catterall (Individual) : 17 Jul 2017 10:27:00
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Arnside - Hollins Lane A8/A9
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I feel very strongly regarding the increase of traffic if the proposed development plan on Hollins Lane goes ahead. Hollins Lane is a very narrow lane with a blind corner and is used as a cut through for Silverdale Road and Black Dyke Road causing potential danger. I often walk my young grandchildren to and from their home in Hollins Lane. We always use torches in the dark as the street lighting is inadequate. We very often have to step aside to avoid cars which travel up and down at great speed. Early in the year when my husband was walking the grandchildren home, he jestured to someone to slow down. The driver stopped the car and reversed back to him and started an argument. The driver was at fault as he was going far too fast as do many others.
The Lane has no pavement and is far too narrow for more traffic. I see it as an accident waiting to happen or at worst a death.
In my opinion whether this site is adopted for development or not there should be speed bumps and sights at the top and bottom saying access only and a speed restriction of 20 miles per hour.