Response from Mrs Karen Whittaker (Individual)
1. Mrs Karen Whittaker (Individual) : 16 Jul 2017 10:57:00
Please use the drop down menu to indicate which of the following sites you are commenting on. Please use a separate form for each site.
Silverdale - part of S50
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I wish to object to the development of land at the rear of St Johns Avenue.
The land is heavily used by the local farm and also boast a footpath that is used by many villagers and visitors a like.
This summer I have seen deer, a red legged partridge with chicks and bats in the evening on the field, photos taken if required.
The junction off St John’s Ave onto Emesgate Lane has already become a hazard, with cars parked at the junction from both local schools, as well as local residence that use the road to park on, from both St John’s Avenue and Emesgate Lane. At school times it could also be impossible for an emergency vehical to access St John’s Avenue.