Response from Mr Colin Brunt (Individual)
1. Mr Colin Brunt (Individual) : 14 Jul 2017 09:48:00
Please use the drop down menu to indicate which of the following sites you are commenting on. Please use a separate form for each site.
Storth - Quarry Lane
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The area behind the properties of Storth Road are green fields unlike the brown field land of the former Builders Supply Company and Travis Perkins.
Whilst this brownfield area could benefit from sympathetic development, I object that the green field area behind the existing properties on Storth Road is now also being considered for development.
The Cumbria Landscape Design Toolkit classes this area of land as 3b, Wooded Hills and Pavements. It states you should ‘Protect village fringes from unsympathetic peripheral development.
Core strategy policies seek to ensure that proposals should be sympathetic to the landscape character and features of the AONB, and should protect, conserve and where possible enhance the special qualities of the AONB, including the setting of and views into and from the AONB.
Further to the policies of the Core Strategy, paragraph 115 of the National Planning Policy Framework (the Framework) states that great weight should be attached to conserving landscape and scenic beauty in the AONB, which along with the National Parks have the highest status of protection in relation to scenic beauty.
The proposal to consider development of the identified greenfield area behind the properties on Storth Road, being mindful of paragraph 115 of the Framework, in my opinion should be removed from the Development Plan Document DDP.