Response from Dr Allan Pentecost (Individual)
1. Dr Allan Pentecost (Individual) : 8 Jul 2017 09:48:00
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Storth - Quarry Lane
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I am opposed to the building and or development of the two fields above Quarry Lane between Sandside and Storth. This land belongs an area designated as part of an area of outstanding natural beauty and it should remain as it is. The Arnside and Silverdale AONB contains on of the few lowland hard limestone areas in the whole of the UK and is even recognised internationally as a rare habitat with an unusually high biodiversity. Any reduction in green field area will have an adverse effect on that remaining. The seed bank will be reduced along with foraging habitat for mammals and invertebrates. The local hydrology will be affected along with passage corridors for birds and small mammals. While development on the 'brown field sites' close to the estuary must be accepted, planners are reminded that increasing the human population within the AONB needs to be strictly controlled. More people means more water pollution. The sewage treatment works at Milnthorpe, as I understand, does not have tertiary treatment for nutrients therefore, additional nutrient loading will result in the Kent estuary. Adding even more dissolved phosphorus and nitrogen to the estuary will increase algal blooms and could lead eventually to its serious deterioration.
I am also concerned with the possible closure of the Quarry road. This is shown on the Ordnance Survey maps as a public road and is therefore for public use. It should remain so, not least because it acts as an alternative route for emergency vehicles when the coast road is flooded