Response from Mr & Mrs Stephen & Eileen Davies, Individuals/Residents
1. Mr & Mrs Stephen & Eileen Davies, Individuals/Residents : 1 Jul 2017 12:20:00
Please use the drop down menu to indicate which of the following sites you are commenting on. Please use a separate form for each site.
Arnside - Hollins Lane A8/A9
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Pre-publication Consultation A8/A9 Hollins Lane, Arnside
We wish to lodge a complaint about the proposed development at the above site. The reasons for this are as follows:-
1) Hollins Lane is one of the narrowest roads in Arnside, without many passing places and is already used as a cut
through for motorists wanting access to Silverdale Road, Briary Bank, Swinnate/Plantation Road and we feel that with the added
traffic that the proposed development would bring, it is only a matter of time before there is a serious Road Traffic Accident.
As residents of Hollins Lane for the last 30 years the volume of traffic has increased significantly and the grass verge between our boundary wall and the road has been reduced by traffic erosion from being 1 metre wide to 1/2 metre. This is due the fact that motorists using the road show no regard for residents to trying to access/exit their drives by waiting patiently, they steam on
through mounting the verges where possible.
Also as dog walkers, you take your life in your hands when walking in Hollins Lane, as motorists seem incapable of slowing down and showing any consideration for pedestrians, this is particularly bad in the dark winter months.
2) It is our understanding that a housing association previously bought the plot of land several years ago with a view to builing homes. This project never saw fruition because of the solid limestone composition of the land and the fact that the main water/sewage systems were inadequate to take the additional properties.
If development was to go ahead on this site, the noise and mess from building works would be unbearable and as someone (Mr Davies) who works shifts and needs to sleep during the day this development would not only affect personal possessions ie house/cars (dust/mess) but would also affect my personal wellbeing for the duration of the builing works.
3) When we bought this property 30 years ago one of the main reason for buying was the peace/quiet of the area and the privacy aspect that the above field brought. If the proposed development is given the go ahead we feel that building between 8 & 14 houses would seriously impact on this not only from the houses but also the proposed walkway.
4) There are alternative sites in Arnside that are better suited for development ie- The Orchard on Briary Bank or the large field at the bottom of High Knott Road on Redhills Road (sheep field), as both of these would have direct access to the main roads in the village.
5) We understand that that there is a housing shortage and properties need to be built somewhere. However, choosing to develop a plot of land and giving access to possibly an additional 36 vehicles (2 per prop) on one of the narrowest roads in the village does not seem to be the answer. Possibly, if the Council restricted the number of properties in the village which were sold as holiday homes, then may be there would not be the shortage of properties for locals.