Response from Mr John Booth (Individual)
1. Mr John Booth (Individual) : 30 Jun 2017 16:16:00
Please use the drop down menu to indicate which of the following sites you are commenting on. Please use a separate form for each site.
Silverdale - part of S50
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Dear sirs
Proposal for residential development in the field to the East of St John's Site s50
I would like to make the following observations and objections to the Silverdale - part
of S50
In no particular order
1 The avenue leading to the site is already causing traffic problems on a daily basis
particularly at school times when it is virtually impossible to get in or out of
St John's Avenue safely.Any further increase in traffic would be unthinkable especially
for emergency vehicles and residents alike.
2 There is no integrated sewage disposable in Silverdale and any further influx of
Houses would put unnecessary pressure on existing system and could cause
untold problems.
3 Lack of full time employment in the village.
Therefore people would have to travel by car/train where there is a small car park
for approximately 6/7 cars at best.The station is over one mile away down unlit
road and no public footpath.
4 The AONB which is one of the smallest in the country which has the highest status
of protection in relating to landscape and scenic beauty and by breaching the
existing boundary of the village is a highly significant step.The sight in question
has a public footpath through it and is used by many walkers of various abilities
throughout the year.It is also used by the only Dairy Farm left in the village.
5 Does anybody really want to build on this greenfield site which would lose valuable
farmland forever which would go against all of which AONB stand for,apart from
a small group of mercenary people who appear to have little or no interest in the
Welfare of the village now or indeed for our future generations .
Yours faithfully
John T Booth