Response from Mr T Chetham (Individual)
1. Mr T Chetham (Individual) : 22 Jun 2017 16:02:00
Please use the drop down menu to indicate which of the following sites you are commenting on. Please use a separate form for each site.
Arnside - Hollins Lane A8/A9
Please use the box below to make your comments.
1. This is a greenfield site. Greenfield sites should only be developed as a last resort, particularly in an AONB.
2. Hollins lane is a single lane road, with passing places (mainly in private driveways). This road already has more traffic than it was designed for (being used as a 'rat run' between Silverdale Road and Briery Bank), and recent patch repairs have left many areas still requiring attention. There are no pavements on this road and any increase in traffic would be dangerous - perhaps the council should be looking at ways to reduce traffic on Hollins Lane, not increase it.
3. The proposal pays no respect to the existing landscape or streetscape. It introduces a new vehicular route across an open field. I fail to see how this is classed as sustainable development, and am not aware of any demand or need for a publicly accessible space in this location.
4. I note that there was a previous planning application for housing on this site (SL/2007/1104), which at least respected the existing fabric, however I am not aware of any public consultation on the draft plan (referred to).