Response from Mr & Mrs Lynda and David Hill (Individual)
1. Mr & Mrs Lynda and David Hill (Individual) : 22 Jun 2017 09:41:00
Please use the drop down menu to indicate which of the following sites you are commenting on. Please use a separate form for each site.
Silverdale - part of S50
Please use the box below to make your comments.
We would wish to make the following observations to be considered in drawing up the Development Plan Document.
1) There are relatively few current job opportunities in Silverdale village, with no evidence that the situation will change. Extending the number of residential properties, will almost certainly extend the number of journeys to work in the surrounding towns of Carnforth, Lancaster, Kendal or beyond.
2) These journeys will create their own carbon footprint, avoidable if new housing is erected in proximity to better job opportunities.
3) There is no integrated sewage disposal in Silverdale; more residential provision will require more septic tanks.
4) Silverdale is characteristic of rural villages with their own cultural and historical identity. Inappropriate extra building will threaten these features without confering compensation benefits.
5) Additionally, even a relatively modest estate, will detract from the amenity provided by the area's status as an AONB.
6) Breaching the existing boundary of the village to extend into a field is a highly significant step, and almost certainly will lead to further developments in that field.
Yours Faithfully
Lynda & David Hill