3 responses from Mr Eric Roberts, Electricity North West Ltd
1. Mr Eric Roberts, Electricity North West Ltd : 7 Jul 2017 09:56:00
Please use the drop down menu to indicate which of the following sites you are commenting on. Please use a separate form for each site.
Silverdale - part of S50
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Arnside & Silverdale (AONB)
We have considered the potential development sites within our Network Distribution Area and conclude that they could have an impact on our infrastructure. With the information supplied, it is not possible to determine the exact impact on our assets.
As each development takes place, they will be reviewed during the usual planning application process.
The applicant should be advised that great care should be taken at all times to protect both the electrical apparatus and any personnel working in its vicinity.
The applicant should also be referred to two relevant documents produced by the Health and Safety Executive, which are available from The Stationery Office Publications Centre and The Stationery Office Bookshops, and advised to follow the guidance given.
The documents are as follows:-
HS(G)47 – Avoiding danger from underground services.
GS6 – Avoidance of danger from overhead electric lines.
The applicant should also be advised that, should there be a requirement to divert the apparatus because of the proposed works, the cost of such a diversion would usually be borne by the applicant. The applicant should be aware of our requirements for access to inspect, maintain, adjust, repair, or alter any of our distribution equipment. This includes carrying out works incidental to any of these purposes and this could require works at any time of day or night. Our Electricity Services Desk (Tel No. 0800 195 4141) will advise on any issues regarding diversions or modifications.
2. Mr Eric Roberts, Electricity North West Ltd : 7 Jul 2017 09:56:00
Please use the drop down menu to indicate which of the following sites you are commenting on. Please use a separate form for each site.
Storth - Quarry Lane
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Arnside & Silverdale (AONB)
We have considered the potential development sites within our Network Distribution Area and conclude that they could have an impact on our infrastructure. With the information supplied, it is not possible to determine the exact impact on our assets.
As each development takes place, they will be reviewed during the usual planning application process.
The applicant should be advised that great care should be taken at all times to protect both the electrical apparatus and any personnel working in its vicinity.
The applicant should also be referred to two relevant documents produced by the Health and Safety Executive, which are available from The Stationery Office Publications Centre and The Stationery Office Bookshops, and advised to follow the guidance given.
The documents are as follows:-
HS(G)47 – Avoiding danger from underground services.
GS6 – Avoidance of danger from overhead electric lines.
The applicant should also be advised that, should there be a requirement to divert the apparatus because of the proposed works, the cost of such a diversion would usually be borne by the applicant. The applicant should be aware of our requirements for access to inspect, maintain, adjust, repair, or alter any of our distribution equipment. This includes carrying out works incidental to any of these purposes and this could require works at any time of day or night. Our Electricity Services Desk (Tel No. 0800 195 4141) will advise on any issues regarding diversions or modifications.
3. Mr Eric Roberts, Electricity North West Ltd : 7 Jul 2017 09:56:00
Please use the drop down menu to indicate which of the following sites you are commenting on. Please use a separate form for each site.
Arnside - Hollins Lane A8/A9
Please use the box below to make your comments.
Arnside & Silverdale (AONB)
We have considered the potential development sites within our Network Distribution Area and conclude that they could have an impact on our infrastructure. With the information supplied, it is not possible to determine the exact impact on our assets.
As each development takes place, they will be reviewed during the usual planning application process.
The applicant should be advised that great care should be taken at all times to protect both the electrical apparatus and any personnel working in its vicinity.
The applicant should also be referred to two relevant documents produced by the Health and Safety Executive, which are available from The Stationery Office Publications Centre and The Stationery Office Bookshops, and advised to follow the guidance given.
The documents are as follows:-
HS(G)47 – Avoiding danger from underground services.
GS6 – Avoidance of danger from overhead electric lines.
The applicant should also be advised that, should there be a requirement to divert the apparatus because of the proposed works, the cost of such a diversion would usually be borne by the applicant. The applicant should be aware of our requirements for access to inspect, maintain, adjust, repair, or alter any of our distribution equipment. This includes carrying out works incidental to any of these purposes and this could require works at any time of day or night. Our Electricity Services Desk (Tel No. 0800 195 4141) will advise on any issues regarding diversions or modifications.