Response from Mr David Foot (Individual)
1. Mr David Foot (Individual) : 3 Jan 2017 20:02:00
Please make your comments in the box below, making it clear which policy your response relates to using the policy reference number or paragraph number.
Draft Development Management policy DPD (Oct 2016).
Specific comment re policy DM21 Renewable and Low Carbon energy Development.
Pleased to see the comment “This policy contains criteria regarding residential amenity and should positively contribute towards protecting health and wellbeing.” (5.6 box page 70).
But I am not clear on what this means:
(5.6.4) “The proposed policy above is a positively worded criteria based policy that will provide a clear decision making framework for renewable and low carbon energy projects to encourage and support suitable energy development in South Lakeland”.
Does this refer to the 9 points made in the initial box in this section? Are these points "criteria"?
(5.6.5) In principle I am pleased to see that this policy repeats and reinforces the current criteria on which planning decisions in relation to planning decisions relating to wind turbines.