Response from Mr Tim Bettany-Simmons, Canal & River Trust
1. Mr Tim Bettany-Simmons, Canal & River Trust : 20 Dec 2016 09:54:00
Please make your comments in the box below, making it clear which policy your response relates to using the policy reference number or paragraph number.
Paragraph 2.3 - Policy DM3 - Historic Environment - The Trust would like to see reference made within the supporting text to this policy that the former Lancaster Canal and supporting infrastructure are heritage assets.
Paragraph 2.4 - Policy DM4 - Green Infrastructure - Reference should be made within paragraph 2.4.1 to the Kendal-Lancaster Canal as a potential source of green infrastructure/open space. This would better reflect that the former canal is more than just a recreational route.
Paragraph 2.5 - Policy DM5 - Rights of Way - The Trust would like to see specific reference being made to the former route of the Lancaster Canal as a recreational route and that development adjacent to the route should seek to create access to it.
Paragraph 3.2 - Policy DM10 - Transport Improvements - The Trust is pleased that the policy and supporting text to the policy do not only seek to protect the line of the former Lancaster Canal by ensuring that development does not prevent or impede its future restoration but that the policy also seeks to maximise opportunities for its enhancement and wider public use, recognising its potential multi-functional nature.
Paragraph 6.2 - Policy DM24 - Kendal Canal Head - The Trust supports the inclusion of this policy and the aim to create a policy framework and apply a holistic approach to Kendal Canal Head Area. The Trust is pleased that the policy and supporting text to the policy do not only seek to protect the line of the former Lancaster Canal by ensuring that development does not prevent or impede its future restoration but also maximise opportunities for its enhancement and wider public use, recognising its multi-functional nature.