Response from Mr Chris Ashton, Ashton Planning
1. Mr Chris Ashton, Ashton Planning : 4 Jan 2017 09:34:00
Please make your comments in the box below, making it clear which policy your response relates to using the policy reference number or paragraph number.
1. After studying the document, I recognise the aim appears to be to cover as many issues as possible. Nevertheless I respectfully recommend a review of the volume of words to avoid being repetitive and eliminate any jargon e.g. 'inclusiveness' and 'project level HRA' in DM1 3. & 7. respectively (I know technical terms are in the glossary). Succinctness would mean the non professional in particular would not be overawed with reference to DM1 & 2 in particular.
2. In DM1 & 2 the verb 'must' is too prescriptive, given the tone of the NPPF & NPPG. 'Should' throughout would be more user friendly and engender constructive negotiation of proposals including that vital creativity for designers.
3. Similarly the verb 'and' could also be interpreted as too controlling rather than for management of development. Instead, the DM1 opening clause could include 'as appropriate'.
4. If the opening clause of DM1 is mandatory, should it not be emboldened text?
5. Could a map show the boundaries of the National Park to ensure the area for these policies is clear, or at least please provide a link or a location where these can be checked?
6. Car parking standards are appropriately tabulated e.g. under DM9 as the location of them on the CCC website is not easy to find and because the DPD opening paragraphs refer to the application of standards.
7. DM3 is an example of where 'assessments could be expected as the norm for validation of planning applications, which could deter them because of the up front risk costs contrary to the 'enabling' essence of town planning & the various benefits that new development provides. Why not omit assessments? They are referred to in the NPPF anyway.
8. Also regarding DM3 and 2.3.9 please publish the 'Local list' or provide a link and explain it's status for 'heritage assets'.
Are there any other topics or issues that you wish to raise?
These are better shared at a forum of officers and agents, as requested.