Response from Ms Paula Scott, Kendal Futures
1. Ms Paula Scott, Kendal Futures : 20 Dec 2016 16:12:00
Please make your comments in the box below, making it clear which policy your response relates to using the policy reference number or paragraph number.
6.1 - Policy DM23 - Retail uses outside of town centres
We believe the proposed threshold of 2000 sq.m gross is too high for new retail floorspace outside of Kendal town centre. We propose the threshold be set at 1500 sq.m gross in order to protect the trading conditions and vitality of the town centre.
5.7 - Policy DM22 - Hot food takeaways
We agree that the Council should be able to carefully consider the location of new hot foot takeaways. Does the proposed policy go far enough, however? It may still allow every other shop to be a takeaway and only open at night - affecting the look, feel and vitality of the town centre during the day. We would support stricter criteria.