Response from Miss Rachael A Bust, The Coal Authority
1. Miss Rachael A Bust, The Coal Authority : 13 Dec 2016 09:44:00
Please make your comments in the box below, making it clear which policy your response relates to using the policy reference number or paragraph number.
Thank you for consulting The Coal Authority on the above document.
Within South Lakeland there are approximately 24 recorded mine entries and a range of other mining legacy features are present, in total The Coal Authority High Risk Development Area, however only covers approximately 0.01% of the Council area, outside of the National Park. The mining legacy is not located where new development in South Lakeland is likely to occur.
Having reviewed the document therefore, I confirm that we have no specific comments to make at this stage.
Yours sincerely
Mark Harrison BA(Hons), DipTP, LLM, MInstLM, MRTPI
Principal Manager