2 responses from Mr Peter Goulder & Ms Sheila Porter (Individual)
1. Mr Peter Goulder & Ms Sheila Porter (Individual) : 13 Dec 2016 11:44:00
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2. Mr Peter Goulder & Ms Sheila Porter (Individual) : 30 Jan 2017 09:16:00
We have looked at the web site of responses you refer to and are extremely concerned at the negative conservation and heritage suggestions referred to in the response from Mr. and Mrs Kitchen (ref 28 November 2016 Plot A11). We therefore wish to reinforce our own response are follows:
We strongly object to 2 of their recommendations
1. Trees on the eastern boundary. We see the retention of this vegetation as a tremendous asset forming an existing screen to any development viewed from the east. Although this vegetation may well have grown up since the 1950’s it is now reasonably mature and also provides an important wildlife habitat. Bat roosts in particular need survey work. The over grown trees / hedge line is now regularly used each evening by bats. We are trying to extend this line of vegetation and habitat along our own adjoining property and would object strongly to its removal merely to enhance the views from new/adjacent properties.
2. Site access. The access to the proposed development (if allowed at all) should definitely not be off the access track to Nos. 30, 31 & 32 Briery Bank which is on the blind bend. As stated in our first response the existing limestone wall is an historical and important part of the original fabric of Arnside dating back to the 1750’s and shown on the tithe map long before the construction of Briery Bank or its housing. To destroy this wall for the sake of a new housing development would be sacrilegious. Access must be off Briery Bank preferably to the southern end of the plot on the straight section of the road where sight lines are improved.
Peter Goulder and Sheila Porter