2 responses from Mr Kevin Halloran (Individual)
1. Mr Kevin Halloran (Individual) : 24 Nov 2016 07:46:00
Please make your comments in the box below and refer specifically to the number of each site / policy you are commenting on.
W130 - Land behind 17 Main Street Warton.
I have concerns about access, sewerage, flooding and surface water implications of the proposed development but will consider these in light of information from next week's consultation meeting at Warton.
There is, however, a flaw in the proposal that ought to be dealt with at a preliminary stage and this concerns the proposed line of the northern boundary. To minimise visual impact this should properly follow the existing line of the northern boundaries of the dwellings on Church Hill Avenue. I am a former government surveyor with experience in these matters and this morning took a sight line from the wall of Warton churchyard along the existing fence. The boundary ought to meet the hedge on the eastern side of the land to r/o 15 Main Street about 15 metres south of where it is shown on the plan. The proposed boundary line increases considerably the size of the development plot but it greatly increases the visual impact of the development.
2. Mr Kevin Halloran (Individual) : 13 Dec 2016 12:04:00
W130 - land at rear of 17 Main Street, Warton.
I have previously expressed concern at the proposed line of the northern boundary of this development as shown on plan. As the site is behind existing housing rather than having a direct street frontage there are likely to be potential problems from sewerage, surface water and flooding in an area already susceptible to problems in these respects. I assume that the developer will be required to provide adequate safeguards in respect of these issues.
A particular problem with W130 is that of access. Vehicular access from Crag Road would clearly have a severe impact on the Warton Crag local nature reserve. Access via a continuation of Church Hill Drive appears impossible. This leaves only access from Main Street. In principle I would object to this on traffic grounds but given existing housing along Main Street anyway it is not easy to see where such access might be obtained? On balance then this proposed development raises far too many issues of impact, intrusion and access to be worth serious consideration.
Are there any other topics or issues that you wish to raise?
Do you have any comments to make on the Draft Sustainability Appraisal Report or Habitats Regulations Report associated with the Draft DPD?