Response from MRS LYNN NEWBY (Individual)
1. MRS LYNN NEWBY (Individual) : 11 Nov 2016 11:19:00
Please make your comments in the box below and refer specifically to the number of each site / policy you are commenting on.
Site W88 Land North West of Sand Lane 1, Warton
Site W89 Land North West of Sand Lane 2, Warton
This land is adjacent to my property. Not only would you devalue my property you would seriously encroach on my quality of living with a housing estate built next to my property. I moved back here to live in our family home to enjoy the area of outstanding natural beauty I grew up in, in the house I grew up in. The house is next to our business premises. The views we have need to be seen to be appreciated, when my father built this house nearly 50 years ago he had to go through stringent planning processes to cause the least impact on the environment and area and we were building on land that already had building's in place, not a green field site. The access was made with land my father gave to the highways to make the brow of the hill on Sand Lane wider and the access to our property and garage along side is very wide and set back to enable ease of access and exit. We planted trees, landscaped a huge part of the site for it to remain grass and followed strict rules on how and what could be built. Not 20-30 houses squeezed into a plot regardless of the impact on the area around. The access to the sites in question above W88 & W89 is a single track onto the busy road of Sand Lane and is dangerous to pull out of, the vehicle has to be in the road to enable the driver to see from their window to the road up Sand Lane. This road is already busy with parked cars and traffic to Silverdale.
I am hugely opposed to development on this site, this green field is in full view of Warton Crag, the impact on the area and wildlife habitat would be huge.
Are there any other topics or issues that you wish to raise?
The land in question is owned by the same person, who has already had planning granted and has subsequently sold the site and planning at W34. He has also been granted planning at sites W84, W85 and W86. How far are you going to go to allow development of this nature on green field sites for profit. He is also proposing development of sites W88, W89, W92, W93, W95. We live in an area of outstanding natural beauty, people come to our garage and park up to take photo's of Warton Crag and Ingleborough from the top of the hill. This would all go as they would not even be able to see Warton Crag from the roadside only houses. The other issue I have is that they are never happy to put a handful of houses on the land, it is always in the twenties impacting on the highways, the drainage, the whole of the village that already has no shop or facilities other than pubs and a church. We are not a town with all the amenities that houses on this scale require and Mill Lane is already congested and dangerous at peak times due to the width of the road and the amount of traffic going to and from the village. The pavement on Mill Lane is dangerous and there is barely room to walk on it. These plans have already eaten into our area of outstanding natural beauty and are just going towards Warton becoming a town rather than a village.
Do you have any comments to make on the Draft Sustainability Appraisal Report or Habitats Regulations Report associated with the Draft DPD?
Eventually all our lovely green fields will have been covered in houses and roads and the view of Warton Crag will be a distant memory with widespread flooding due to no green areas to take the excess water than runs down from the higher fields above and Crag areas. The impact on the environment, wildlife and birds will be enormous, we have squirrels visit most days, birds and wildlife are a normal everyday view from our windows into the site that is W88 and W89. To have all this killed off and moved for housing is unthinkable.