Response from Drs John & Carol Glaister & Allen (Individual)
1. Drs John & Carol Glaister & Allen (Individual) : 13 Dec 2016 11:55:00
Please make your comments in the box below and refer specifically to the number of each site / policy you are commenting on.
Draft Arnside & Silverdale AONB Development Plan - Document Consultation
At the recent meeting regarding the above plan at Warton Village Hall on 7 December 2016 we were able to consult the documents relating to the proposed developments and would like to comment on these proposals.
Land NW of Sand Lane, Warton, W88 and Land North of 17 Main Street, Warton, W130
We are very concerned about building on green-field land and how this will affect local flood risks. Both these areas lie below Warton Crag and uphill of areas which have recently been flooded. Some occupants of the houses flooded to the south of W130 have only just returned to their homes since the flooding of December 2015.
Water pours down from the Crag when the rainfall is heavy and prolonged. This rainwater has to find a route downhill to the lowest point in the area. A development and farming plan for flood alleviation to improve the land use and the drainage should be considered which, rather than adding to this problem, could help to mitigate these local difficulties.
Carol Allen-Glaister (Dr) and John Glaister (Dr)