Response from Mr Roy Richard Davies (Individual)
1. Mr Roy Richard Davies (Individual) : 3 Jan 2017 18:31:00
Please make your comments in the box below and refer specifically to the number of each site / policy you are commenting on.
Objection to allocation of the Whinney Fold/Know Hill site in the AONB Development Plan
We would like to express our strong opposition to ANY development on this beautiful greenfield site and would question why this issue has raised its ugly head once again!
1. Serious sewerage and drainage problems -
Last winter's heavy rainfall again highlighted the drainage problem on this site, and the adjacent site to the south, there being knee-high standing water in places.
There is no main drainage system in Silverdale and properties rely on septic tanks, trusting that these work satisfactorily and efficiently - sadly not always the case! Building houses on this site, which lies in a hollow, would create a major problem in dealing with significant amounts of grey water and rainwater. Any effluent from this site could easily drain onto Silverdale shore and lead to a substantial pollution issue.
2.Major access and traffic issues
The access road to the existing Whinney Fold development is very narrow with resident's and visitor's cars frequently parked. Any further development on this site would make traffic conditions very problematic.
3.Greenfield Site
There are brownfield sites in Silverdale and these should be used before any greenfield sites are considered, and this consideration should only ever be as a last resort. To build on this beautiful green haven would be an environmental disaster. Indeed, Arcadis Environmental Consultants, as part of a landscape assessment of the AONB, concluded that development on this site would result in the loss of an important landscape element and would harm the local landscape and settlement character of the AONB. ANY proposed development on this site would be extremely unpopular throughout the village.
No-one should be naïve enough to believe that once the first sod has been turned on this site for an initial six house development that's where it would end - once it's gone it's gone forever! The AONB needs to be protected not scarred and every effort should be given to conserving its landscape and scenic beauty.
Finally, it is questionable whether there is a serious housing need on this site or elsewhere in Silverdale as there has been in recent years, and still is, a difficulty renting/selling low cost properties, e.g. flats.
Roy and Sylvia Davies
Are there any other topics or issues that you wish to raise?
Do you have any comments to make on the Draft Sustainability Appraisal Report or Habitats Regulations Report associated with the Draft DPD?