Response from Ms Gail Armstrong (Individual)
1. Ms Gail Armstrong (Individual) : 14 Apr 2016 10:07:00
Please make your comments in the box below and refer specifically to the reference number of each site you are commenting on.
Site S127 Bottoms Lane Silverdale
The purpose of the AONB designation will be at the heart of the DPD. On these grounds this site is unsuitable for development as it would harm the designation on all counts.
Outstanding Landscape and spectacular views - these would be harmed and degraded not least for the thousands of walkers who use Bottoms Lane and its adjoining network of footpaths.
Unique Limestone Geology - a conspicuous rib of limestone close to the surface runs across this pocket of land.
Rare and Precious Habitats - the site is lowland calcareous grassland which is a BAP Priority Habitat
The Sustainability Appraisal also highlights the need to protect and conserve landscape features such as walls, hedgerows and in-field trees, all of which are present at this site.