Response from Mr and Mrs H W Parrott (Individual)
1. Mr and Mrs H W Parrott (Individual) : 25 Apr 2016 08:57:00
Please make your comments in the box below and refer specifically to the reference number of each site you are commenting on.
We wish to comment on Section 6 of the Issues and Options Discussion Paper as follows:-
Site B120: High Cote High Cote Lane, Slack Head, Beetham
We object to any development on this site for the following reasons:-
01 There will be increased traffic from the site into Beetham via Leighton Beck Road
This road is almost single lane, it has no footpaths and already can get congested as vehicles try to pass each other. It is extremely dangerous for pedestrians.
02 The higher parts of Slack Head already suffer from very low water pressure. An increase in housing in this area would make this situation worse and United Utilities could have a major problem on their hands.
03 There are no facilities in Slack Head, no public transport, and no footpath down into Beetham. As such this site is not suitable for Affordable Housing.
03 Houses in this area are generally too expensive for local people.
04 Already Slack Head is very visible from the South and we must say it has a negative impact on the topography and relief of the woodland landscape. We are sure the development would not have been granted in the first instance had the AONB been in existence at the time. Extending the development would only add to the problem.
05 Access to the site is very restricted.
06 Important woodland and wildlife habitat will be destroyed. With the increase in woodland diseases we need more than ever to protect our woods within our AONB.
07 All dwellings in Slack Head are on septic tanks as there is no mains drainage available.