Response from Paul & L Alderson & Stubbs (Individual)
1. Paul & L Alderson & Stubbs (Individual) : 26 Jan 2016 15:48:00
Discussion Paper section
6. Options for Meeting the Objectives and Delivering the Vision
Please make your comments below on the section you have selected. Where appropriate, make reference to the paragraph number you are referring to, your preferred option, the question number asked in the Discussion Paper and the reference number of the site you are commenting on.
Any houses built on W87 would devalue our property, as we would lose our view of the Warton crag. Their elevated position would mean they are looking straight into our bedroom window. In the resent wet weather, the field entrance to the side of our house number 13, was like a river. If W87 was to be built on, this would add to regular flooding suffered by number 2, 4, 6, and 8 Main St, As would W88, W89, W92, W93 and W95 as the surface water goes down Sand Lane. And the drains cannot cope with the current run off. The Traffic in the Village is terrible all day, and more so at school times, and early evening it is only a mater, of time before a serious accident occurs.