Response from Ms Geraldine Moore (Individual)
1. Ms Geraldine Moore (Individual) : 27 Jan 2016 12:08:00
Please make your comments below on the section you have selected. Where appropriate, make reference to the paragraph number you are referring to, your preferred option, the question number asked in the Discussion Paper and the reference number of the site you are commenting on.
Apologies for the late sending of our comments on the proposed development in the AONB in particular the site Y103.
1. This particular site would not fit in with the "principles of development" in that it is not a sustainable site and development would detract from the natural beauty of the area. It would also appear that there is little evidence for affordable housing to be built in this site.
2. The sustainability of any new buildings could be compromised along with that of existing residential dwellings. This is mainly due to access which is poor. The road is narrow and already difficult for traffic with no pavements on the roads along Footeran Lane and Silverdale Road for pedestrians. It is already a challenge for children going to school and for older residents attending the village hall.
Services are sparse with a small school, village hall and church. There are no shops, post office, GP service or pub. In addition it is likely that the existing bus service will be reduced or even cut. The mobile library service which only visits every 3 weeks at present is also under review. It is difficult to envisage how so few services would support many more people.
Community infrastructure is identified as a key requirement of a functioning community and as stated above infrastructure is poor and would be insufficient to sustain new development.
There is no employment in the site apart from that at the school and any new residents would have to travel to neighbouring towns e.g. Lancaster, Carnforth or Milnthorpe having a negative impact on road usage. It would seem more sensible to develop and provide affordable housing on the edge of the AONB in larger towns.
There is one small open space - the village green - which is insufficient for a large increase in the number of children in the site. It would be detrimental to the area if this open space was in any way reduced or compromised.
3. There would be a negative impact on the already fragile sewage systems in place. This has been made far worse with the recent heavy rain fall. All properties discharge waste into septic tanks. Should additional properties be built a new sewage system would need to be installed.
4. Storrs Grange, our property is a Grade 2 listed building as are neighbouring properties. It is hard to see how new developments would meet strict planning regulations with relation to the access and heritage criteria imposed with any changes. Our application for a flu to be installed was difficult to get through. This will have no impact on the local environment. New developments would have a massive impact.
Overall we feel that developments in Yealand Redmayne or neighbouring Storrs or Conyers are not viable. The roads, services, sewage systems are insufficient and would require investment. It would seem more appropriate to concentrate development on other areas such as Warton, Carnforth or Milnthorpe which have more community infrastructure already in place.
Geraldine Moore (Chairperson Village Hall Committee) & Michael Wilson