5 responses from Mrs Elspeth Jones (Individual)
1. Mrs Elspeth Jones (Individual) : 15 Dec 2015 21:27:00
Discussion Paper section
2. Background
Please make your comments below on the section you have selected. Where appropriate, make reference to the paragraph number you are referring to, your preferred option, the question number asked in the Discussion Paper and the reference number of the site you are commenting on.
Background –
Q1. I think that this should be reviewed on a case by case basis as definition set out in section 2.18 could have a dramatic effect on a small village. If a guideline is to be considered I would suggest that this is proportionate to whether the location is a primary or secondary settlement. (Options could include 10 and 5)
Evidence Base
Q2/3. Yes the council should identify housing requirements over the plan period. Consideration should be given to a number of factors:
• Response rates to survey if this is high or low it should give an indication to the materiality of the issue in each location
• A review of sales of houses in various price brackets to understand whether additional housing would solve the need or whether market forces can address the situation
• A review of time taken to sell houses for the above reason
• A calculation should be made whether a development will address a need or whether the primary intent is to profit from open market housing
2. Mrs Elspeth Jones (Individual) : 15 Dec 2015 21:28:00
Discussion Paper section
3. Evidence Base
Please make your comments below on the section you have selected. Where appropriate, make reference to the paragraph number you are referring to, your preferred option, the question number asked in the Discussion Paper and the reference number of the site you are commenting on.
Evidence Base
Q2/3. Yes the council should identify housing requirements over the plan period. Consideration should be given to a number of factors:
• Response rates to survey if this is high or low it should give an indication to the materiality of the issue in each location
• A review of sales of houses in various price brackets to understand whether additional housing would solve the need or whether market forces can address the situation
• A review of time taken to sell houses for the above reason
• A calculation should be made whether a development will address a need or whether the primary intent is to profit from open market housing
3. Mrs Elspeth Jones (Individual) : 15 Dec 2015 21:33:00
Discussion Paper section
4. Vision and Objectives
Please make your comments below on the section you have selected. Where appropriate, make reference to the paragraph number you are referring to, your preferred option, the question number asked in the Discussion Paper and the reference number of the site you are commenting on.
Vision and Objectives
Q4. I agree with the vision would consider adding:
• Preserves residents connectedness with the landscape character around them enhancing their well-being
4. Mrs Elspeth Jones (Individual) : 15 Dec 2015 21:35:00
Discussion Paper section
5. Policy Issues
Please make your comments below on the section you have selected. Where appropriate, make reference to the paragraph number you are referring to, your preferred option, the question number asked in the Discussion Paper and the reference number of the site you are commenting on.
Policy Issues
Q6. The AONB is defined as one of the highest level of greenfield sites and should be protected. Additional building should therefore be considered when there is a specific need. On this basis a higher threshold should be set for the proportion of affordable housing which should include a local connection restriction. On the premise that developments should be small it may be worth exploring options that include locals part building their homes or to consider how access can be gained to the new tools that are being launched to encourage self-build nationally. This option can be done on small scale.
Q8. Given the established need for rental accommodation the council ought to either consider building council houses that do not have a right to buy or to set a maximum rental that can be charged linked to CPI.
• Consideration should be given to building of bungalows which would have a lesser impact on the landscape and protect the setting of and views out from and into the AONB
Q9. Options could include allowing temporary building status for workers that have employment on the land which could follow high eco credentials. There are examples such as where there are semi-permanent traditional forestry roles such as charcoal burning etc
Q10. Yes brownfield sites should be prioritised, work should be undertaken within communities to establish sufficiency. E.g. the pub at Yealand Conyers could be converted into flats with an allocation for local residents at a capped rate.
Q11. Yes in the main new developments should be limited to settlement areas unless there is a significant local need identifies elsewhere. From a density perspective consideration should be given to fewer houses per hectare to ensure that any larger developments are not out of kilter with the current housing landscape.
Q13. Barns, outhouses and public houses should all be considered for development. Incorporation of live work options should be considered. Similarly allocated space for communities to develop co-operative community led ventures should be encourage e.g. stores
Q14. Care needs to be considered in striking the balance between environmentally sustainable technology vrs the visual impact of using these. Where B4rns high speed broadband is in a village all new builds should be obliged to ensure that a connection is fitted
Q17. There is a significant number of caravan sites in the AONB further developments should not be permitted. The traffic created by visitors driving to sites and caravans being moved to sites is already causing significant issues in the surrounding villages.
Q18. The key elements for assessment of private open space have been identified. There should be great identification of open space looking from all the Yealands down towards the A6 as this is a key vista both into and out of the villages. In the area surrounding Yealand Storrs and Yealand Redmayne it is also a significant flight path for birds that move between White Moss and Cringlebarrow wood.
Q23. Consideration needs to be given to siting developments where there is easy access to drainage and sewerage systems and to whether additional pressure on these can be supported.
Q25. The design and materials should be used in a way that allows housing to blend into the environment. Consideration should also be given to the lighting impact of building extends beyond the boundaries of existing street lighting. In addition strict height restrictions should be put in place to minimise the impact on the environment. Use of renewable energy should be mandated.
5. Mrs Elspeth Jones (Individual) : 15 Dec 2015 21:37:00
Discussion Paper section
6. Options for Meeting the Objectives and Delivering the Vision
Please make your comments below on the section you have selected. Where appropriate, make reference to the paragraph number you are referring to, your preferred option, the question number asked in the Discussion Paper and the reference number of the site you are commenting on.
Options for Meeting the objectives
Q26. I would recommend option 3 as there should be sufficient opportunity to satisfy local housing requirements within this criteria. The location of these sites are spread well across the AONB allowing people to live close to their preferred areas without causing any significant transport issues. It could be worth considering allowing a small amount of conversion / building on brownfield sites only in secondary settlements.
Q27. All the sites identified in Yealand Redmayne are based on converting fields / gardens into additional housing. I fundamentally disagree with this approach to building in a secondary site. All options will have a detrimental impact on the landscape by changing the fringing of the village at the Yealand Redmayne / Storrs end of the village and probably adding further light pollution. In addition there is no access to sewerage systems. I believe the policy should be to look at options on any brownfield sites to address what appears to be a very small housing need requirement.
Q28. The 1st premises should be that no additional building is required however conversion of the pub in Yealand could be done on a basis of mixed use encoraging live/work options for local people.
Q29. Yes boundaries should be set. This will ensure that people have greater clarity of the future impact of building in line with the duration of the development plan. This should protect the landscape and the historical context of villages. This should be applied for all primary and secondary settlements in the AONB