Response from Mr Clifford Robinson (Individual)
1. Mr Clifford Robinson (Individual) : 11 Dec 2015 16:37:00
Discussion Paper section
6. Options for Meeting the Objectives and Delivering the Vision
Please make your comments below on the section you have selected. Where appropriate, make reference to the paragraph number you are referring to, your preferred option, the question number asked in the Discussion Paper and the reference number of the site you are commenting on.
Comments on proposed site W84. (Land between 14 and 48 Main Street)
1. This site is currently under water; as it is every winter and during any period of heavy rainfall. Any building work would require the ground level to be raised by at least 1 metre, with the risk of raising the water level in the field and increasing the flood risk to other properties. Foul water drainage would inevitably be below the high water level, with the risk of polluting the environment if any leaks occurred.
2. The pavement on Main Street adjacent the proposed site is the closest/best position for the public, and birdwatchers in particular, to watch the wildfowl, (swans, ducks, geese, gulls), on the flooded fields in the winter, and lapwings nesting in the spring time. This viewing position also provides superb views across the fields to Millhead and beyond all year round. Building houses on this site would deprive the Warton residents and the public in general of one of the finest views in Warton, and harm the visual amenity of the AONB
Are there any topics or issues that you think we have missed or that you wish to raise?
Continued comments on proposed site W84. (Land between 14 and 48 Main Street)
3. Any building work on the proposed site would deprive my house of some light, and totally deprive me and my neighbours of the views described in (2.) above which have been enjoyed by residents for over 100 years since the first houses were built.
4. Building on the proposed site would of necessity mean traffic problems, access problems, noise, mess and general inconvenience for the inhabitants of Warton in general, and the home owners opposite the proposed site on Main Street in particular.
5. Prior to any new developments on any site in Warton a decent pavement complete with street lighting must be constructed between Warton and Millhead. The current pavement is too narrow and pedestrians are at risk every time they use it, especially in wintertime when cars have difficulty seeing pedestrians due to oncoming headlights and the risk of collision is greatly increased.
Do you have any comments to make on the Draft Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (Nov 2015) associated with the Issues and Options Discussion Paper?
By the criteria laid down in the scoping report, development of site W84 should be excluded on the grounds of:
1. The proposed site is in a flood zone
2. It would harm the landscape character of the AONB
3. It would harm the visual amenity of the AONB
4. Result in the loss of an identified area of open green space