Response from Miss Dorothy Mitchell (Individual)
1. Miss Dorothy Mitchell (Individual) : 18 Dec 2015 17:55:00
Discussion Paper section
6. Options for Meeting the Objectives and Delivering the Vision
Please make your comments below on the section you have selected. Where appropriate, make reference to the paragraph number you are referring to, your preferred option, the question number asked in the Discussion Paper and the reference number of the site you are commenting on.
Discussion Paper section
6. Options for Meeting the Objectives and Delivering the Vision
Please make your comments below on the section you have selected. Where appropriate, make reference to the paragraph number you are referring to, your preferred option, the question number asked in the Discussion Paper and the reference number of the site you are commenting on.
Q9 How should the AONB plan for development on rural estates. 5.16 - Strict guidelines should be put in place to prevent piecemeal development. I support the use of small, brownfield sites and oppose the development of large sites which would go against the principle of ‘highest protection’ afforded in the AONB
Q26 Which options represent the most approach to development in the AONB - 6.17 and 6.18
Q27. Specific sites proposed in the AONB.
A1 Allotments, Silverdale Road Open Space Agree
A2 Arnside Edge, Far Arnside Development No - Unsustainable location poorly related to any settlement
A4 Ashmeadow Woodland Open Space Agree
A7 High Close, Knott Lane Development No - Prominent site with potential landscape impact, poorly related to any settlement
A8 Hollins Lane 1 Dev/Open Space - Open Space Agree
A11 Land N of Briery Bank 1 Development No – Open Space - prominent in landscape terms
A12 Land N of Briery Bank 2 Development No – Open Space - prominent in landscape terms
A15 The Common, Redhills Rd Dev/Open Space Open Space - prominent in landscape terms
A17 Land adjoining Cemetery 2 Development No - Open Space - poor access
A18 Land W of Saltcotes Hall 1 Development No - Open Space - prominent in landscape terms
A22 Station Fields, Station Road Development widen into lay-by for Car parking for railway station only
A24 Station Fields, Station Road 2 Development No - drainage issues, site prominent in the local landscape
A25,26,27 Station Yard, Sandside Road 1 Development No - flood risk problems
A29 Trafalgar Garage Development Agree
A97 Middlebarrow Quarry Development No - unsustainable location
A106 Land W of Black Dyke Rd Development No - liable to flooding
A107 Land NW Briery Bank 2 Development No - Open Space- site prominent in the local landscape
Q29 Should the AONB identify development boundaries? for which boundaries.
Yes - Arnside, Sandside/Storth, Silverdale and Warton
Are there any topics or issues that you think we have missed or that you wish to raise?
Do you have any comments to make on the Draft Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (Nov 2015) associated with the Issues and Options Discussion Paper?