Response from A R Yarwood, The National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups
1. A R Yarwood, The National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups : 5 Jan 2016 12:11:00
Please make your comments below on the Policy Area / Topic you have selected. Where appropriate, make reference to the Option you prefer and the question number referred to in the Discussion Paper.
Dear Policy Team,
South Lakeland –Development Management Policies
I offer comment on behalf of the National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups in response to the questions raised in paragraph 3.48 of the above consultation document.
Neither option 1 nor option 2, in isolation, will meet the policy requirement. What is needed is a combination of the two together with a further policy element which sets out criteria to deal with planning applications which may come forward.
This new policy should specifically deal with applications which are submitted, even where no need has been identified, as required by national policy as set out in DCLG’s Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (PPTS). Paragraph 10 of PPTS requires that Local Plans set out criteria for dealing with applications even where no need has been identified.
Yours sincerely,
A. R. Yarwood,