Response from Mr John Williamson (Individual)
1. Mr John Williamson (Individual) : 5 Sep 2013 12:04:00
Please add your response below, quoting the further proposed main modification reference number or relevant document title including reference to section / page / paragraph: (limit 3000 words)
To the Development Plans Manager, South Lakeland District Council -
I am writing to object to the reclassification of the Union Lane Fields from agricultural land to land included within the development plan boundary.
While the current ongoing development of the land immediately adjacent to Union Lane is devastating in terms of the further encroachment of developed land on to green areas enjoyed by both local people and animals and plants, the plan to change the classification of the other fields to land that can be developed is something that should be abandoned at this initial stage.
Such plans can only impact negatively on Ulverston, for many reasons. The area around Union Lane, Mowings Lane, Stanley Street, Garden Terrace and Old Hall Lane are even now very busy in terms of traffic from local residents, deliveries, and people passing through. When the Hoad View development is completed this will increase substantially, and any further developments in the area will have a massive impact on this once quiet area, causing significant safety issues for the many young families who live in this area as well as serious congestion.
Along with the huge increase in traffic, any further development plans could put local properties in jeopardy because of the increased flood risk that it could cause. The elevated ground of the area we are discussing and subsequent draining could cause major flooding problems similar to that which Ulverston has already seen last year, if the natural permeable surface was removed in place of concreted streets. The impact could potentially not only be local, but also effect areas further down the drainage network elsewhere in Ulverston.
Lastly but very importantly, there is the environmental impact on the Gill Banks areas that the development of the Union Lane Fields would have. As you will know, the accessibility of green space for a local populace is extremely important for recreation, adventure, the obvious visual assets, restoration to well-being and mental health. It raises property values and provides a refreshing contrast to the built-up areas nearby. Ecologically, greenspaces are extremely important, absorbing rainwater and airborne pollutants, as well as light and noise pollution. The fields in question house and feed many different animals, insects and plants, including tawny owls and various varieties of bats. Badgers, foxes and rodents can also be regularly seen here - development of this land would destroy their habitat, forcing them to relocate or perish. Development would impact on the currently peaceful and pleasant Gill Banks woodland, increasing the noise and light pollution there and thus impacting on the wildlife living there and the recreational value it currently holds to local people. We live in a world where nature is constantly being pushed back in place of concreted spaces that take everything and give nothing back to the natural world. Do not let Ulverston be a place where this destructive and sad trend is continued.
I would also like to express dismay that these plans have come with no publicity, effectively making redundant the democratic process of allowing residents to express their views to the Council before decisions are made.
I can only hope that you consider the points made by myself and other residents, and dismiss the application for reclassification of the land and thus potential development.
Yours faithfully,
John Williamson