Response from Mr V Robert Williams (Individual)
1. Mr V Robert Williams (Individual) : 4 Sep 2013 16:30:00
Please add your response below, quoting the further proposed main modification reference number or relevant document title including reference to section / page / paragraph: (limit 3000 words)
Dear Sir/Madam,
Re: SLDC Land Allocations Development Plan – Further main modification MM072U : Site Ref:RN193 : Land Off Union Lane Ulverston,Cumbria
I am writing to object to the planned change in the designation of the land mentioned above, from “agricultural” to “land with some development potential”, and then the likely consequential development of housing on this site.
While I appreciate there is a need for affordable housing in Ulverston, there appears to be plenty of houses that remain unoccupied in the town and it would seem to be more sensible to encourage ownership or rent of these properties.
The chief concern I have is regarding access to the site, if housing were to be developed on it. There have been confirmations that a one way system is being considered from Union Lane through to Mowings Lane. This road would have to cut across an existing well- used footpath, where visibility is already an issue, and this would further increase the risk of accidents to children and the elderly path users. If the lane became one way, then potentially this could increase traffic from around 8 cars, to 60-70, dependent on the total number of houses built on both sites. These cars would also affect the traffic flow on the lower part of Mowings Lane and Garden Terrace, both of which are very restricted already. If access has already been improved to the lower ‘Hoad View’ site, then surely any further housing on this additional land should be accessed that way. This would be a better alternative than trying to open a very narrow lane which would then increase the travel distance into the town.
The SLDC LA development plan document states that there is potential access from the single tack lane. However the last portion of this lane is owned jointly by the owners of Foxwood, Bayfield and the field owners, meaning that currently there is no access. I have no intention of changing this situation, and I know the current owners of Foxwood have the same view.
The land use as agricultural land has ensured that the wildlife can flourish on this site, and children on the footpath can see farm animals close at hand in a safe environment. The environment within the Gill Banks area has been protected, for the enjoyment of local people and visitors, particularly those on the Cumbria Way. The start of this long distance path gives an important first impression of Cumbria for many visitors, and we have a duty to protect this for future generations. The development of a road and housing would impact on this, and the Ulverston Conservation Area Character Appraisal states that these areas are worthy of protection.
I look forward to your confirmation that you have received this email, and an assurance that my comments will be fully considered.