Response from Mr DH Walton (Individual)
1. Mr DH Walton (Individual) : 2 Sep 2013 12:32:00
Please add your response below, quoting the further proposed main modification reference number or relevant document title including reference to section / page / paragraph: (limit 3000 words)
Further Development of Union Lane Fields
27 August 2013
Dear Sirs
Yesterday I received of a plain sheet of paper regarding the above development. It advises me that I have until the 5th September 2013 to submit comments/concerns/objections. If this information is correct I am appalled at the short length of time given.
I am also concerned that I have had no official communication about this development. Your comments would be appreciated.
My concerns are as follows :-
The area described is immediately above the current development and any further development would create a flood risk if not in the immediate area then in other parts of Ulverston.
Development in the area is dense and any further development would make additional demands on the existing waste system. Have thing like Schools and Medical services been considered. ?
Gill Banks is a popular green space currently well used by many and is great wildlife habitat. If the proposed additional development goes ahead even more disruption would be caused. Not a good move in my opinion.
It seems that a one way system is proposed via Union Lane, Mowings Lane and Garden Terrace. The area is not designed for traffic there are already problems. Any additional traffic would cause chaos. The fact that you are considering a one way system tells me that you are already aware how congested the area is.
I hope you will give my comments due consideration . You only need to visit the area, and imagine living here to realise the negative effect your proposals would have.
There are other sites in Ulverston which are in need of development and could be enhanced by it.
Canal Head
Canal Side (North Lonsdale Road)
Large site at the A590 end of Dalton Gate
These site would cause far less permanent damage to the area.
Whilst writing I am also concerned about Traffic being directed down Sun Street as a result of the union lane project. I have been advised on two occasions that it is a temporary measure that it will last fir only two months. The last time was four months ago. The alterations to Union Lane seem to have come to a stand still.
Could you please give an update on the situation.
You comments on all the above would be appreciated.
Yours faithfully
David H Walton