Response from Mrs Deborah Robinson (Individual)
1. Mrs Deborah Robinson (Individual) : 5 Sep 2013 12:54:00
Please add your response below, quoting the further proposed main modification reference number or relevant document title including reference to section / page / paragraph: (limit 3000 words)
Reference MM072U - Amend Development Plan Boundary to incorporate site RN193 in Ulverston
Dear Sir,
I am writing to object strongly to the inclusion of this site in the Development Plan Boundary. To do so would be a disaster.
The existing development up on Gill Banks is already causing havoc with traffic and loss of residential amenity for those living nearby. Problems with the development are already experienced, and a high volume of traffic is causing danger to those living near the site and noise and disruption to people on Gill Banks.
I object strongly to the inclusion of this land in the development plan because:
a) The risk of flooding by building on this land would be huge. There are already significant problems in Ulverston with flooding. Residents on the Ellers, for example, regularly experience flooded cellars, overflowing street gutters and drainage problems as a result of inadequate drainage caused by increased building. These are not outlying areas - they are central, and problems are getting worse. You cannot concrete over a large area of soak away without the water going somewhere, which is what is being suggested by concreting over these two green fields into which water currently disappears. The water will then join the already flooded drains and guttering, exacerbating flood risk still further. To build here would be irresponsible madness.
b) Traffic and transport problems associated with access would be great, introducing significant traffic onto narrow streets which are not designed to cope with this volume. tT present six houses - only six - use Mowings Lane. Union Lane is a narrow, twisting road which has a particularly dangerous access point on Stanley Street, right by the health centre. Already residents are finding the building vehicles disruptive and dangerous as they swing round blind corners. Increase the cars to include those serving up to 69 houses and there will be accidents waiting to happen. It will be a disaster, on narrow, resident-filled streets which jostle round the health centre complex.
c) Building significant housing development by Gill Banks will mean that wildlife habitat is lost. Bats and Tawny owls use Gill Banks and need quiet to thrive (as do Ulverston residents). By building right across this site light, noise and air pollution will occur and they will lose what is left of where they live.
d) Gill Banks is a highly prized, rare green space which SLDC observes itself is rare in the middle of Ulverston. As such, it performs a key function as a shared and peaceful area where Ulverston residents, including many children and people walking dogs, can go and walk, play and relax. Many houses in the centre of Ulverston lack gardens, and the Gill Banks area is effectively their outdoor space - providing welcome communal space to breathe and relax. Planning could and should be taking account of the needs of the town as a whole, and green spaces should be protected where these are a) unique and b) rare and c) needed as they are in this case.
Please ensure that these comments are taken into account in considering this, and do not approve this utterly disastrous inclusion which would cause flooding, traffic chaos, ruin the high townscape, deprive Ulverston residents of a significant green space and destroy wildlife habitat.
Yours faithfully
Deborah & Steve Robinson