Response from Mr and Mrs JE Graves (Individual)
1. Mr and Mrs JE Graves (Individual) : 7 Aug 2013 15:18:00
Please add your response below, quoting the further proposed main modification reference number or relevant document title including reference to section / page / paragraph: (limit 3000 words)
Dear Sirs,
Local Plan Land Allocations - Public Examination
Consultation on the Schedule of Further Proposed Main Modifications to the Local Plan - Land Allocations
Re. BRIGSTEER - 3.151 RN 213
As I mentioned in my previous email on this subject, the community involvement and support is not based on fact in the survey results which was shown in the Parish Council election last year. Why has this been totally ignored by the revised DPD? The area involved is a very attractive site, and it appears to many of us in Brigsteer that the DPD has made up its mind regardless of the residents' views. Building development in my opinion would completely ruin this area and create even more traffic and parking problems on this site, especially as the refurbished Wheatsheaf Inn will not have anything like the right amount of parking space if the pub is going to make any profit, and will certainly cause serious traffic problems around this area and beyond.
Yours faithfully,
J. E. Graves