Response from Mrs Dianne Grant (Individual)
1. Mrs Dianne Grant (Individual) : 5 May 2013 11:17:00
Please add your response below, quoting the main modification reference number: (limit 3000 words)
Sir, we wish to comment on the soundness of the supporting documents that SLDC have published regarding the updated schedule of main modifications to the Local Plan - Land Allocation DPP.
May we respectfully question why these plans do not address any modifications with regard to Grange Over Sands? SLDC still insist that Grange is a key service centre, even though it does not adhere to SLDC own definitions. Grange does not have a secondary school, a permanent police station, it has unsuitable road and public transport links and does not have a direct bus link to the nearest hospital.
We understand that the housing needs for Grange Over Sands is based on questionnaires returned by less than 19% of households and 2001 census figures. Current data needs to be collected before the housing needs of Grange can be taken as 'sound'
We believe that the amended plans regarding road infrastructure is based on flawed evidence. Contrary to SLDC belief, Grange does have a traffic problem especially Main street and Risedale Hill. To carry out a traffic survey, in a tourist town, on a Tuesday Morning in January is like counting the number of Christmas trees sold during the month of August. This survey cannot be classed as 'sound' and used to make the decision that the road structures in Grange can cope with the increase in housing as planned by SLDC. A traffic survey completed in 2008 recorded over 4200 vehicles per day, in either direction at the brow if Risedale Hill. This was in early July, not even during school holidays.
We do not dispute the need for affordable housing in Grange. What we do disagree with is the loss of important green spaces (especially resulting in the linking of Grange, Kents Bank and Allithwaite) when brownfield sites are left undeveloped (contrary to Government guidelines) SLDC will be dictated to by developers whose main concern is profit, not the housing needs of local people.
Sir, we respectfully ask you to take into account our concerns If developed, these last green spaces in Grange will be lost for ever and it will be left to the people of Grange to deal with the aftermath.
Mr & Mrs I Grant