Response from Mr Phil Turner, Lower Allithwaite Parish Council
1. Mr Phil Turner, Lower Allithwaite Parish Council : 26 Apr 2013 09:22:00
Please add your response below, quoting the main modification reference number: (limit 3000 words)
23 April 2015
MM015 The Jack Hill site is a sensitive site on a prominent ridge. The steering group, which worked closely with the planners to identify suitable potential small sites, felt it could support a small development behind the high hedge bordering Jack Hill
Following the community plan consultation the Parish Council’s aspiration was for developments of around 10 – 15 maximum.
The indicative numbers allocated for Allithwaite was originally 80 and is now 107. This increase will be a significant impact on the village particularly as they are all allocated in the first phase. This means that supply will exceed local demand for the affordable homes and they will not be allocated to local people in such a short space of time.
Jack Hill must retain its character as a lane as it is part of the Cumbria Coastal Way and this must be preserved
We feel the proposed site extends too far into what has always been recognised as a significant open space. The site slopes steeply to the west to The Ridgeway and more gently to a defined steep drop at the old field boundary. Any developments must be kept well back from the edge of the steep drop in order to avoid giving an over bearing impact on the rest of this important open space. The site will have a significant visual impact on both the entrance to the village and the view from the northerly elevated part of the village with 15 houses and this impact will become overbearing with 28 houses.
The development should have limited height rooflines and should not extend past the originally proposed line of development on the Ridgeway.
The high hedge at the village entrance is an important feature and defines this entrance to the village.
.Any increase in housing allocation exacerbates the hazards of pedestrian access from Holme Lane through the square to the school/church/playground/recreation area
The AECOM study, suggesting access onto Holme lane is ludicrous as the lamp post at this point is regularly knocked down indicating an already hazardous location. Adequate sight lines would not be possible without significant hedge removal, which would lead to increased traffic speeds. This would require further works to calm/limit traffic flow.
The AECOM recommendation for a staggered road junction ignores the cumulative effect of other development s in the area – eg the proposed creation of an access to the large Grange development MM052 land south of Allithwaite onto Kirkhead road as well as the further small developments in this area..
MM016 Land west of Bracken Edge. The Parish Council consider the extension of the village development boundary around this withdrawn site as making no sense and should be withdrawn to its original position. The proposed line of the village boundary behind Holme Lane does not represent what is the natural boundary of the village which currently is the rear of the Holme Lane properties. If, in the future, land to either side of the Stack Yard(access to Bracken Edge) should become developable then that is the time to consider changes to the village boundary. The current arbitrary line assumes that the plot to the rear of Holme Lane will automatically become part of the LDP if access should become available.
MM057 Land at Barn Hey The Parish Council welcomes the inclusion of a safe pedestrian route to village. This needs to be a requirement for all sites in particular Land behind Almond Bank which accesses onto a particularly dangerous stretch of road ( AECOM study recorded average speeds of around 30 mph on blind bend with no footpaths at site entrance)