Response from Mrs Celia Cook (Individual)
1. Mrs Celia Cook (Individual) : 22 Apr 2013 11:08:00
Please add your response below, quoting the main modification reference number: (limit 3000 words)
We wish to object to the updated proposed Land Allocation Development Plan Document (LADPD) particularly as it relates to the Grange over Sands and Kents Bank Area, for the following reasons:
1. Inadequate infrastructure to cope with projected increase in traffic. In the absence of any plans to improve the roads and public transport the existing problems with bottlenecks in Allithwaite, on Risedale Hill and Main Street will be significantly worsened if developments are allowed to proceed following the proposed plans.
2. Loss of green gap between Kents Bank and Allithwaite. The proposed developments (MN25N) south of Allithwaite Road will effectively cover with buildings the very pleasant green fields between these two areas, leaving only 220metres of open space. The whole of the Grange, Kents Bank and Alliwthaite will be joined together in one urban sprawl.
3. Over-provision of expensive housing in the Grange area. The allocation given to the Grange area appears to be based on the fact that it is a key service centre even though it does not possess many of the facilities and infrastructure required. The most urgent need for housing in this area is for low cost and low rent homes. All proposed developments at the moment, which rely on the open market to meet demand, are completely unsustainable. This is because in return for a tiny number of “affordable” homes the builders/developers always additionally require a large number of additional houses (which hardly anyone can afford to buy in the current economic climate). Covering the open fields of Grange and Kents Bank (and the rest of South Lakeland) with concrete is a foolish and environmentally disastrous way to try and solve the problem of a lack of affordable housing.
Yours faithfully,
Mr & Mrs T. Cook