Response from Dr Gillian Allder (Individual)
1. Dr Gillian Allder (Individual) : 21 Apr 2013 13:55:00
Please add your response below, quoting the main modification reference number: (limit 3000 words)
Re plot M38M Burneside tennis club and Willink field
I have previously written to you about the above site. This site is placed in the Willink trust. When Mr Willink died he left the field in trust to the people of Burneside as a recreational field.
The field now has 3 trustees, one of which is James Cropper.
A meeting was held on Wednesday February 27th in Burneside School Hall with the people of Burneside and the trustees of the Willink Field. The representative of the trustees was James Cropper.
It became very obvious as the evening progressed that all Burnesiders wished to keep the recreational field where it is and not have it moved, by a HUGE majority.Also it was pointed out that the field James wishes to sell to the village for the new club, floods with sewage every year and is up a road with no pavements, lighting, and HGV's going along it regularly, hardly suitable.
At the end of the evening, James admitted that Burneside wished to keep the field where it is and that he would withdraw it from the land allocations. A planning officer from SLDC was there at the time and witnessed this.We were all happy with this outcome.
However a week later James has said that it is still being put up for sale as HE feels that there were not enough people at this meeting (the room was full!) and it wasn't representative of the people of Burneside. It was an open meeting and anyone could attend. It was also well advertised. Anyone interested in the Willink field was there. Is this what James Cropper calls democracy???? He should be thoroughly ashamed of himself and it is a total betrayal of the Willink trust. Trustee my ass!!!!He clearly is not putting the Burneside people first here!
Yours sincerely,
Gillian Allder B.Ch.D.