Response from Mr. Christopher Bisco (Individual)
1. Mr. Christopher Bisco (Individual) : 2 May 2013 18:28:00
Please add your response below, quoting the main modification reference number: (limit 3000 words)
Main modification reference MM041
I note the Main Modifications proposed by South Lakeland District Council to work in partnership with Lancaster City Council, the relevant Parishes, the management of The Arnside & Silverdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and others to produce a new Local Plan for the AONB.
I also note that this will apply appropriate policies in this area specifically intended to get the correct balance between protection of its special landscape and other local needs such as housing provision and other amenities.
I believe that this will produce a much better plan than SLDC’s previous version and therefore am in enthusiastic support of this new proposal. I look forward to hearing how I can support this process in practice.