Response from Mr David Birkett (Individual)
1. Mr David Birkett (Individual) : 8 May 2013 15:39:00
Please add your response below, quoting the main modification reference number: (limit 3000 words)
Re E063 LA DPD_5.4.13.pdf
May we record our opposition to the inclusion of R170M in the Land Allocations Plan on the following grounds based on unsoundness.
1. Traffic. We have lived in this location since 1983 and have seen a steady increase in traffic numbers, owing to the building of the Briery Meadows Estate and the opening of the Carus Green Golf Club. The existing Croppers traffic has always been accepted, however the ‘rat run’ effect caused by the build-up on Windermere Road is not. To consider a further increase of 285 from a 190 unit build is unpalatable in the extreme. This is only a ‘C’ class highway and is mainly residential with properties egressing and having to back into and out of drives in front of flowing traffic. Is this acceptable?
2. Air Pollution. The air pollution standards in the centre of Kendal(Lowther Street, Highgate, Wildman Street)are some of the worst in the Country. As you are aware this effects the health of the community as a whole. The plan proposes a significant increase with no real amelrioration save encouragement to walk and cycle, which we would support. The main problem is at traffic junctions such as Burneside Road with Windermere Road where pedestrians stand and breathe in the toxic fumes.
3. The Green Gap. The value of the Green Gap has been long established, supported by the previous Inspector and valued by wild life, farmers and residents. Why is this principle, yet again, being challenged by SLDC ? The coalescence with Burneside is a distinct possibility.
4. Flooding and sewerage. The two are interrelated; in 2012/13 properties in the vicinity of Carus Green suffered flooding caused by the nearby River Kent and run-off from the fields(Limestone is found on the escarpment and Silurian Slate at valley level). It is well known by the Council and Utilities that the sewer is over loaded and sewerage appears in Burneside and below Applerigg on Burneside Road. Further increase of sewerage will compound the situation. A costly upgrade is required, is this budgeted for ?
5. General comment. The Council claims that 400 unit build is required annually, these figures have been challenged by Kendal Town Council, we would support that view and that the considerable build in the brownfield/windfall category must go a long way to meeting demand, at least in this year e.g Auction mart site(90 units), Cock and Dolphin and alongside Kent Court.
Thank you for considering these comments, David and Valerie Birkett