3 responses from Mr & Mrs Boak (Individual)
1. Mr & Mrs Boak (Individual) : 26 Apr 2013 09:04:00
Please add your response below, quoting the main modification reference number: (limit 3000 words)
Land Allocations DPD
Objection to Main Modification – Land Allocations put forward for final inclusion dated 5.4.13
Reference MM015
Allithwaite, Land North of Jack Hill
Extension of allocated area
This proposed Modification is Unsound on the following basis:
1. Key issues have been raised historically regarding the Western part of the site with reference to:
a. Access arrangements, local traffic management, access points, safe travel within the village, traffic and pedestrian safety specifically regarding this site – see Land Allocations Development Plan Document – March 2012 and other references below.
b. The removal of species-rich, long established, continuous hedgerow that surrounds an existing field, housing many nesting birds and other wildlife.
2. The access arrangements and position for this part of the site also affect the whole village in the following ways:
a. Consideration of all aspects of concerns regarding the entrance of the village from Residents, local and County Councils, other interested parties.
b. Consideration of all aspects of concerns regarding Holme Lane from Residents, local and County Councils, other interested parties
c. The road safety aspect
d. Pedestrian safety and accessibility
e. Key Environmental impact
f. The impact of character on key topographical site
g. The surrounding countryside and Landscape setting
h. Reducing the availability of Important Open Space
Highways Evidence Report was issued 2.4.13.
This Report requires inclusion and referring to in the Land Allocation for this site and in addition cross-referencing with site R347# - Land rear of Bankfield which refers to site RN79# with particular regard to the entrance to Jack Hill which might necessitate a new junction / mini-roundabout.
1. The Sustainability Appraisal Reports for RN79# cannot be considered sound for the reasons:
Taking the Highways Report into Account and also the considerable concerns from the Village about many aspects of this including items of road safety on Holme Lane and Jack Hill for example, Sustainability Appraisals for RN79# and R128 are Unsound – Many supporting key issues cannot be justified or mitigated.
Part of the access point for RN79# on the West part of the site will necessitate removing several meters of a species-rich, long established hedgerow which houses many nesting birds and other wildlife.
2. The Core Strategy policy of Green Infrastructure is unsound in the following ways:
a Species-rich hedgerow removal.
b The Highways requirements for access and transport statements on the Western part of the site throw into doubt the position, size, landscape, character of the site; changes necessary at the dangerous bend entering the village – the entrance to Jack Hill, which includes the position of the post that has many times ended up in the Western field of RN79#-mod when cars have driven too fast into it. Local residents, Parish Council, County Council are all aware of the danger for pedestrians and vehicles and the consideration needed to be given to the entrance to the village. These are key issues for this site.
c Access arrangements still to be made both for the Western part of the site (which include the entrance to the Village) will have a substantial effect - the pedestrian facilities, routes to access footpaths, bus stops, letter boxes etc in safety.
d The effect on the Landscape setting will be substantial:- the present approach into the village from Grange opens up long views over countryside and out to Morecambe Bay, at the top of a hill looking over the
valley, continuing the feel of green space over, at present, Important Open Space. This would be entirely lost if it were built on. Nowhere else could offer this – the position is unique.
e The proposed size of the site would undoubtedly require a large roadway and turning to accommodate emergency services, public service vehicles. Streetlighting may be necessary. Access positions, pedestrian facilities, safety, particularly on Holme Lane are some of the key issues that have historically been raised. This is a prominent area in the village – at present Important Open Space. During SA for both RN79# and R128, many concerns were raised about retaining the space. This proposed area can be seen from all areas in the village. During the SA’s, site R128 has been associated with RN79# but not been clearly defined on a map. SA provides insufficient information regarding the extent of the site which was remaining Important Open Space at 17th September 2012, it has not recorded sufficient historical concerns / reports / information provided by local residents, local and other interested parties which concern the site R128, RN79# and also Holme Lane. This amounts to lack of due diligence in my mind.
The impact of increasing the size of this site is much greater than may appear as it would not merely be merging a small area of a large site of open space with another already allocated area, but increasing the already allocated area to a size that could not be anticipated in the SA, therefore making it unsound. Having canvassed many local residents, this is the opinion of all.
2. Mr & Mrs Boak (Individual) : 8 May 2013 09:13:00
A typed or handwritten document was submitted. This has been scanned and can be downloaded below:
3. Mr & Mrs Boak (Individual) : 7 Jun 2013 14:05:00
A typed or handwritten document was submitted. This has been scanned and can be downloaded below:
[see attached document]