Response from Mr Robert Boyd (Individual)
1. Mr Robert Boyd (Individual) : 10 Oct 2012 17:10:00
Please add your response below: (Limit 3000 words)
General comment on 1.6.19 - The exclusion of sites because they are not available constrains the plan. Compulsory purchase could be used to make a more balanced plan opening up areas which might be more suitable for development.
Site specific comments- E33
1) The sequential location assessment lists it as green W, ie it is described as being within the service centre. However, in the site summary it is described as being on the edge of Kendal and should therefore be recategorised as amber E.
2) Access to the site has been assessed as green P, which I find difficult to understand as it will require either a bridge over the quarry entrance from Boundary Bank or a new exit the Underbarrow Road via EN13. The access assessment should therefore be recategorised to at least amber o and possibly red n.
3) The adjacent field EN 13 was assessed and not allocated because of exceptional circumstances. Up to a few years ago E33 was part of the same field, consequently, it should not be allocated for the same reasons and removed from the plan.